But I think I ran into your same problem which was actually just lack of space on the computer during install. Aside from that one, they’ve all worked great. I just recently got all the games through big fish codes/multiple emails just so that I don’t have to use my discs anymore, and the only one I’ve had issues with from big fish is DDI. I would appreciate any help anyone is able to provide! Thank you!ĮDIT: It looks like it's been reported before that ICE through RAN don't work on BFG - this thread is 2 years old, can anyone let me know if it's been confirmed since then that these games don't work? I'm worried I may have permanently screwed it up by clicking yes the first time and now Windows won't let me delete the DirectX system files. I have a hunch the issue may have something to do with DirectX because when I first installed the game I wasn't thinking and clicked yes to go ahead with the setup (you're not supposed to do that, right?) but then I uninstalled it and clicked no the second time, but I got the same issue. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling CRY three times and it didn't help, nor did restarting my computer. I am still able to launch CAR (which is older than CRY) and SPY and LIE (which are newer). The cursor will spin for a second or two (and if I'm in the BFG app it will make that little noise) but the game doesn't launch. I just downloaded CRY and when I click on the game icon it won't launch.
Big fish games client install to another drive windows 10#
I've been using the free BFG codes to play Nancy Drew games on my Bootcamped Windows 10 for a couple months now and have not had any issues.

Not sure as to the root of the problem but it might have been that it couldn't find the requisite DirectX 9 libraries on my external drive. EDIT: On the off chance someone from the future finds this and it's useful I installed the game to my main C drive instead of my external drive and it worked.